Saturday, October 30, 2010

New Mexico Trout

New Mexico Produces Incredible Trout

If you haven't fished in Northern New Mexico yet, you are truly missing out. Fly fishing in the region is excellent and virtually can be enjoyed nearly year round. You may find it a tad cold in January and February, but, truth is, you can always wear more cloths to stay warm. I did some fishing in October at Coopers El Vado Ranch, just outside of Tierra Amarilla, New Mexico and the fishing was great.

More photos from the trip 

The Chama River Flows from the mountains above the town of Chama, New Mexico. The river flows through some of the most scenic mountains anywhere in the continental United States. The red rocks, contrasted against the green trees and river plants, along with the distinct river color is an awesome sight.

During the Summer and early Fall months, the river reeds, sage brush and juniper put off some of the most incredibly wonderful smells you could ever imagine. I have been blessed to enjoy that treat for more than 50 years. Hard to describe, but, absolutely wonderful. I promise you won't forget it, ever :-)

There are some monster native brown trout lurking in these waters.


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