Saturday, October 30, 2010
New Mexico Trout
Monday, September 6, 2010
Lein Family Reunions - New Mexico Style
Thursday, August 19, 2010
New Mexico Produces Trout - Coopers El Vado Ranch
Sunday, August 8, 2010
More Photos Of Yellowstone Lake
Monday, July 26, 2010
Yellowstone River Cutthroat Trout

To read another great article about Yellowstone National Park, visit the link below.
For more incredible Wyoming nature photos visit the link below.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Arkansas River - Colorado
Near Canon City, Colorado Headwaters Near Leadville, Colorado
There are plenty of areas around the Arkansas for day trip parking and also lots of overnight camping spots as well. The closer you get to Leadville, the prettier the scenery gets. Good luck and happy fishing.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Yellowstone River - View From Top Of The Canyon
Yellowstone River
Yellowstone National Park
Types Of Fish You Can Expect To Catch
Brown Trout / Rainbow Trout / Cutthroat Trout / Grayling / Brook Trout / Lake Trout / Brook Trout / Mountain Whitefish
The Native Species Of The Park Are
Cutthroat Trout / Grayling / Mountain Whitefish
Monday, July 5, 2010
Rio Grande River - South Fork, Colorado
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Jackson Lake - Grand Teton National Park Jackson, Wyoming
Jackson Lake
Grand Teton National Park
Jackson Lake, Wyoming
Friday, June 25, 2010
Lake Heron - Los Ojos, New Mexico

Sunday, June 6, 2010
Two Generations Of Lein's Fishing The Chama River

While taking a 12 mile run, Roy met rancher Bill Faris. Mr. Faris owned a ranch that had several miles of Chama River frontage. Bill taught Roy to fly fish. He allowed Roy to come to the ranch on his off days and practice his new skills. Roy eventually met Patricia Williams, from Dulce, New Mexico. They fell in love and were married. Roy left the military and accepted a position with Central Mutual Insurance company in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Roy and Pat bought a small home on Parsifal Street. Virtually ever weekend, the two traveled back up to the mountains to enjoy some fishing and camping. As their family grew, the fishing and camping continued to gain momentum. The two had a total of 4 kids, all of which were introduced to the Chama river and to the outdoor world.
From Mark, Steve, Pam and David, thanks Mom and Dad! We have been greatly blessed by your love, your wonderful parenting, the advice you have shared and by the incredible gift of fishing and camping that you introduced us to at such a young age. We have all enjoyed the beauty of the New Mexico mountains for many years thanks to you. Love you guys!
The ranch that Bill Farris once owned is now owned by my good friend David Cooper. David's father, Carl and his wife Gladys bought the ranch more than 50 years. Carl still holds the New Mexico State fishing record for catching the third largest Brown Trout ever caught in the state. He caught that fish in the Chama river which flows for miles through the Coopers El Vado Ranch. The fish was caught in 1966, and Carl's record catch weighed in at a whopping 14 pounds and was 32.5 inches long. That is big folks! Carl and Gladys raised their entire family at the ranch. Heck, the Coopers helped raised half of our family too! Me included! David Cooper and I spent many a day at the ranch finding ways to drive our parents nuts. We floated logs down the river, we rode his horse through the river and out onto the island in the middle. Oh yeah, we weren't supposed to be there! The two of us were all over those mountains as kids. It's a wonder we survived to tell the stories. Truth be known, Coop and I had an absolute blast growing up. David is like a brother to me. In fact, my wife Jan and I were just up to Coopers El Vado Ranch in April of this year. It was awesome to see my friend and to spend time with he and his incredible family.
If you are seeking a special place to bring your family, Coopers El Vado Ranch is the place you have to try. It's a magical place with special New Mexico healing powers. If you have a chance, have a beer with my big brother David and tell him that I will be back to bug him again soon! Visit Coopers El Vado Ranch ( Tell D that Leiner sent you.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Hey, Outta Of My Favorite Fishing Hole!
Friday, May 14, 2010
Yellowstone River
Saturday, May 8, 2010
April On The Chama - Blue Sky or Snow
April On The Chama River
You honestly never know what type of weather you are going to get when you fish the Chama River in New Mexico in the month of April. River crossings this time or year can be extremely tricky.
Pictured is an early Spring snow storm. Not unusual for this part of the country. The elevation of this particular area is 6,800 feet. High enough that it is still Winter during April.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
El Vado Lake Dam
Here is a unique view of El Vado Dam. It took some doing to climb down into the canyon and get this photo. Glad I could share it with our blog followers.
Normally in April the river flow is set to approximately 350 - 600 cubic feet per second. The Dam administrators had just blown the sirens as I arrived at my photo destination. They elevated the water while I was actually positioning for the photo. The water was running at approximately 750 cubic feet per second when I took the photo above. In April the state of New Mexico prepares for the Spring run off from the mountains. They normally lower the water level in the lake to ensure they have ample room to host the snow melt.
A recent check of the New Mexico USGS Real-Time water flow data shows that the river is running at 621 cubic feet per second today (June 11, 2010). That is absolutely perfect for effective fishing. There are some whoppers in this river. Worth a trip at some point to try to hook up with them. If you do decide to make a trip out to New Mexico, call David Cooper. He owns Coopers El Vado Ranch and has been a family friend of mine since he and I were kids. His ranch is fantastic and offers beautiful, rustic cabins that are fully equipped to allow you to experience nature, while still enjoying a hot shower, your own kitchen facilities and more. David is a wonderful person and I promise you will fall in love with him, his family and his incredible ranch. Visit Coopers El Vado Ranch ( Tell David that Leiner says I love ya big brother! Might just get you a discount. Then again, he might think you are family and put you to work :-). Either way, there is no better place in the world to be and no better person than Coop Dog to share that place with.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Headwaters of the Colorado River
Rocky Mountains
Headwaters of the Colorado River. This photo was taken approximately 5 miles below the start of the actual river. Great photo for sure. Makes you want to pull out your fly pole doesn't it? If you had one with you, we would encourage you to use it because there are some native cutt-throat and brown trout in these waters.
To get your photos, videos and fishing stories added to this blog. Email or mail your information to
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Rio Grande River - Colorardo & New Mexico
Rio Grande River
Taos, New Mexico
Enjoy this view of the Rio Grande River, taken approximately 6 miles outside of Taos, New Mexico. If you can figure out how to work your way down into this gorge there is fish in this river. My suggestion, go further downstream. The photo gives you a birds eye view of the Rio Grande Gorge, which is also known as the Grand Canyon of New Mexico. The picture was taken while standing on the suspension bridge that traverses the canyon.
If you are wondering, yes, standing on the bridge feels like you are really, really, high up and yes, you can really feel the bridge move when cars and trucks drive across it while you are standing on it trying to take photographs. Kind of left me feeling like a parachute was in order.
Taos, New Mexico is beautiful by the way. We recommend you take some time during your visit to the area to enjoy the sights and sounds of this very cool town.
Saturday, April 17, 2010

Friday, April 9, 2010
God Loves Fishermen
Fishing The Chama River in New Mexico
I am convinced that God loves fishermen. While fishing one cold April morning in New Mexico, I took this photo. The rays of light were not visible in my camera lens. Upon further examination, I also found the photo contains a cross that is visible up on the rocky cliff face. Also note that the shadow on the bank forms a very nice crown.
I don't think I was alone on that very cold morning. I am thankful for that! I believe that if we open our hearts to him, he will make us all Fishers of Men!
Send me your fishing photos, videos and stories so I can include them on this blog.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
The Yellowstone River
Friday, February 5, 2010
Fishing The Chama River - New Mexico
The Beautiful Chama River in Northern New Mexico is one of the authors favorite locations for rest, and relaxation. Not to mention that way out in the middle of no way, lay some of the most beautiful brown trout the state has to offer up. While this river does not have the concentration of trout seen in the San Juan, you definitely won't be disappointed. If you love beautiful mountains, wonderful hiking, and rustic settings, northern New Mexico will deliver.
The chama river originates in the mountains of northern New Mexico and flows down and through the chain of lakes in the northern part of the state. The first major lake the river flows into is Lake Heron. Heron is an absolutely beautiful resevoir, located just 25 - 30 miles from the popular hunting destination known as Chama, New Mexico. Lake Heron holds some extremely large lake trout and has a very nice salmon population. Many fisherman enjoy a day on Heron and find that catching their limit is reasonably easy to do. The second lake in the chain is El Vado resevoir. This body of water is primarily used as a holding pool for drinking water used to supply the lower part of the state. There are lake trout, a handful of salmon and many lake huge carp in this lake. You will see people fishing and catching in this lake, but truthfully the corp of engineers drains it so low at times the fishing is compromised by late summer and fall. The last lake in the chain is the Abiquii resevoir. This lake is definitely utilized as a holding pool for drinking water. You can fish and there are trout, but your best bet is higher up in the mountains.
The Chama river, presents your best opportunities for fishing between El Vado Lake and Abiquii Resevoir. You will definitely be out in the woods, without access to many of lifes amenities, but worth the effort to camp out and experience this beautiful river. The red rock canyons surrounding the river present some incredible vistas that will produce some great photos opportunities. You might even want to consider and float trip to get the full experience the area has to offer up. There are bears in the area. Be sure to plan a bear safe camping expedition. Store your food properly and keep the camp fires to a minimum due to the high risk of forest fire the arid, dry conditions of the region produce.
If you do take a trip to northern New Mexico, please share your experiences and photos with us. We will probably bore you guys with our photos of the area, but it is a favorite hang out for the author.
Please share you photos and videos of your favorite locations. This blog is dedicated to sharing the beauty that is the planet earth we all live on. Send your emails, comments, videos and outdoor fishing adventure stories to and we will see that they are included in this earth record. One for the books as we fisherman like to say!
Connect with Mark Lein on Linkedin
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Earth - Fishing, Outdoors Activities, Trail Running, Mountain Biking
Fishing, Mountain Biking & Trail Running & Outdoors Photos, Videos, Stories